Sunday, May 24, 2015


I’ve posted my Joomla URL information to our assignment discussion board, but I can’t say I’m entirely happy with it.  I can see the use of using something like Joomla, because actually editing the content was easy.  What was frustrating to me was the design features.  There were numerous times I thought, why am I doing this, I could have coded a website that I liked better in much less time!  I know it’s all a learning process, and sometimes when I’m rushed for time it feels like I’m banging my head up against a wall.  Now for my site.  It’s pretty basic.  At first I was using a default template and I experimented with some background colors and fonts, but then I downloaded a free template from and used that.  I added a couple of photographs to my pages, and I used links to access two documents which I uploaded.  I have a parent menu in which I added a child to as well.  I added a search box feature.  I have a green box on my site that came as part of my template which bothers me to no end and which I’ve spent a good deal of time trying to delete tonight with no luck!  When I have some free time I’m going to try getting rid of it again.

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